Webservices Using JDeveloper

  • WSDL  (Web Services Description Language) : XML-based language for defining Web Services
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): XML-based language for accessing webservices over HTTP
  • UDDI (Univesal Description, Discovery and Integration): Universal catalog of web services that allow softwares to discover and integrate with services on web.

  • Start  JDeveloper 10.1.3

  • Start OC4J 10.1.3 {%JDEV_HOME%}\jdev\bin\start_oc4j.bat
  • Create a new Application server connection in JDeveloper to this standalone OC4J 10.1.3 and test connection.
  • Create your java application and make class. For example make a hello world application that accepts {name} and returns Hello World! Welcome {name}.
  • Right click on your application name in Application Navigator of your JDeveloper and then click new and select Java Web Service from Web Services inside Business Tier and click ok.
  • Select J2EE 1.4 (JAX-RPC) Web Service
  • Proceed to enter the details.
  • Give a name for your web service and select component to publish. ( Your java application)
  • Check Generate annotations into class and click next
  • Select your method from Available Methods list and click Finish.

Now some processing will be done and required files will be generated.

Next steps:

  1. Open your WSDL document from WEB-INF\wsdl (if not already open in the editior).
  2. From the source tab copy the url in the soap: address node.
  3. Deploy the web service to OC4J application server you started by right clicking the WebServices.deploy file under Resources in the Application Navigation
  4. Paste the url taken from WSDL document to a web browser address bar.
  5. Testing screen for your application will appear

Detailed description is available in this location: Deploy WebService in OC4J using JDeveloper 10.1.3